Best Sensitivity Settings You Must For Low Recoil in PUBG Mobile

    You can also achieve low recoil in PUBG Mobile like big progressional PUBG Mobile players such as Jonathan, Scout, and Ryzen. But, only practicing and training hard in the game won't be enough! You will need this guide which will take you through:

    Best Sensitivity Settings For Low Recoil in PUBG Mobile!

    Sensitivity can be said as how quick one is to respond. It helps to increase or decrease our reflexes. Depending on the smartphones, players, and guns, sensitivity differ. Today, we will give you a look at the sensitivity of sensitivity settings of top PUBG Mobile Players in India like ScoutOp, Jonathan, and Hydra Dynamo.

    You might also want to see: 

    What is Sensitivity in PUBG Mobile?

    Sensitivity in PUBG Mobile is the rate of response of your action. The higher your sensitivity, the greater the response will be and vice-versa. In simple language, when you play PUBG MOBILE and move your screen, you might feel that your view is moving less as compared to the PUBG competitive and professional players. Or, you mightn't be able to control the recoil of some guns. It's because of sensitivity that the game doesn't respond as you want.

    Where is the Sensitivity Settings in PUBG Mobile?

    Follow these steps to get a view at the location of Sensitivity:
    • Click on the Settings on the bottom right corner of the gamescreen.
    • Click on Sensitivity (Fifth option in the right side)

    Have a look at the sensitivity of top players in India. We will show you the sensitivity based on how many fingers the players play with. These sensitivities are arranged in  order of two finger claw to four finger to three finger claw.

    1. TSMentJonathan (Jonathan Gaming) 

    Jonathan Gaming is one of the top and the best fragger in the whole Indian PUBG Mobile Gaming Community. Although, he plays with just his two thumbs and gyroscope on, big names in PUBG Mobile think twice to go 1v1 against him. He is the member of TSMentity. He has a YouTube Channel with the name: Jonathan Gaming. He plays on Iphone. 

    2. FNCscoutOp:

    FnaticscoutOP is the fan favorite when it comes to mid-range fights. ScoutOP is the only guy that can control the recoil of every guns at any scope which is because of his hard practice as well as his sensitivity. He is a member of fnatic and a Fragger as well as an IGL.

    3. Hydra | Dynamo (DynamoGaming)

    HydraDynamo is neither a professional player not a competitive player. He is the India's biggest PUBG streamer known for his headshots. Check out these sensitivities and know how he converts the shots into kills. He has a YouTube family of over 7 million and is the Leader of the clan HYDRA.

    So, these were some of the best sensitivity settings you could try to achieve more success in PUBG MOBILE. But, keep in mind guys that sensitivity depends on what kind of gameplay you play. These are the normal sensitivities for these players and they keep on changing them.

    You need to master each gun in the training ground or TDM matches. All the best!


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